A gentleman at church on Sunday sang Chris Tomlin's, Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone). You can, and absolutely should listen to this song here. What a beautiful song, and how true it is of our Lord. If you don't know Jesus today, I assure you that He has unending love for you and the most amazing grace. That's the thing, His grace doesn't depend on anything we've done. We've all done terrible, horrible, awful things that we wish we've never done. Sometimes we think those things are unforgivable, but they are not. No matter how many times I've done Him wrong, He still waits with arms wide open for me to turn back to Him and ask for forgiveness.
If you don't have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, I want to encourage you to talk to Him. He can turn your broken into beautiful, and use you for good. In the Bible, He used Saul, who was on his way to KILL Christians, for good. He turned his life around, gave him a new name (Paul), and used him as a witness. If God can forgive someone like Saul and use him for positive things, I assure you that He can forgive you and use you for His kingdom. As always, please reach out to one of us if you have any questions, or just need to talk to someone about your faith! We would love to hear from you.