Today we will be in prayer for those students (from kindergarten, all the way to graduate school) who didn't get to finish out the year the way they had hoped. Those students, teachers, and parents, whose school year got shorted.
Heavenly Father,
Please help all the students (parents, and teachers too) who didn't get much closure of this year. I know firsthand how hard this is, and I feel for seniors, graduates of college, and all students that didn't get to say goodbye to their friends, or hug their teacher one last time. Comfort those who lost celebrations, ceremonies, banquets, etc. These students are missing some of the most fun memories with their class. Please give these students strength and courage as they take their next steps, and I pray that their schools will provide some sort of closure for them. Please be with parents who are making decisions about their children's education for the coming years. Some students are behind and need extra help, especially with the COVID-19 school closure. I ask that you would guide parents, students, and teachers as they all work together for the good of the child. Lord, also, help this serve as a reminder that we are not entitled to anything. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Life is short, so help us to live in such a way that is pleasing to you. Forgive us where we have failed you, and please help us to do better.