Sometimes when I do a workout and afterwards feel like I need to do a little extra, I will add some "finishers" on the end. Why not use that positive energy while it's going?! I usually do three sets of each exercise, or one set of the exercise for as many reps as I can pump out. Finishers for me typically look like leg exercises that specifically target areas where I want to see more definition (inner thighs, hamstrings, or butt), arm exercises (shoulder press or bicep curls), or in today's case: abs! These are also perfect if you're running short on time. I am running for my 1/2 marathon training tonight, so I didn't do a workout other than these finishers.
IMMEDIATELY when I finished these 3 exercises, I felt exactly which muscles I worked. Shoot for at least 3 sets of 12 repetitions of these exercises. I try to do more on the "Teapots" with the kettlebell.
1. "Teapots" (I'm not sure what the technical term for these are, but that's what I've always called them. Hunter always calls them Penguins because of the way you lean over). Bend at your side until you feel a little "tug" in your obliques (side abdominals). These hurt your obliques and love handles SO GOOD!
2. Hanging Leg Lifts- if you have something to hang on in your workout facility, focus on keeping your legs straight, and only using your core to pull your legs up-- avoid swinging your legs. Modification: If you don't have anything to hang on or if you cannot hold your weight, then you can always do leg lifts on the floor lying flat on your back.
3. Plate Drags- this is an exercise that our volleyball girls do. Grab a plate that you're comfortable with (I used 10), and put it beside you on the floor. Get in plank position (keep your butt DOWN!) and drag the plate from the corners down to the bottom, and then push it back up, making a pattern.
As always, thanks for reading/watching! Please let me know in the comments if there's any specific types of workouts or exercises that you'd like to see. (Once the video loads, it should play!)