Amidst all the chaos and worry, the girls and I have put together a prayer list for the entire month of April. We want to take this time of solitude to try to pray for different people in our communities, ranging near and far, in hopes that it can help provide a little peace in our lives and help bring more focus to God, as He is the one who will help us through these trying times.
When I originally thought of this idea, I wanted to go ahead and share our list with you. However, I have a feeling, as we continue to work on this project, our prayers will evolve and I don’t want to restrict our topics by any means.
Some of our points will be broad, and some more focused, but our wish is to have anyone who is willing, join us in our prayers. Power comes in numbers, so the more we can pray together, the more we can accomplish together.
Please be on the lookout for our daily post - I hope you will follow along with us.