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Battling Against Your Mind

Writer's picture: Lari JeanLari Jean

I videoed myself blabbing the other day in my Jeep before a run with my friend Michele-- it's no TED Talk, but I spoke about mental toughness and how whatever your mind allows, is what your body will continue to do. I'll put it below.

For me, I have to shut the $#!t down and not allow any negative thoughts to creep in. Lately, I've been running all the hills in preparation for our upcoming St. Jude Children's Research Hospital half marathon. One crappy thought about stopping, hurting, being bored, or wishing my run was over is self-sabotage.

I have to speak myself into action when I'm out there running. I feel great! I am not in pain (even though my ankles and knees would beg to differ some days)! I am amazing! I am strong! I LOVE this! I am doing a great job! It sounds insane, but it really works.

I also use comparisons... Yes, I am busy, but someone out there has a week even more packed than mine, and is busting her ass out there. Or what about all the people who wish they had the ability to run like I can? (I'm not talking my time/speed/lack thereof-- I'm talking about my God-given health and ability to even be out there on the pavement in the first place.) We all have the same 24 hours-- what we do with those 24 hours is up to us.

Do I love running? Ha! It definitely depends on the day! I love the feeling of conquering something challenging, and the runner's high is a real thing. I love the feeling when my body wins the battle with my mind. My body is healthy and I could get out there and run 13.1 today if I HAD to (thank God I have 7 more weeks to train though!), but my mind would be the toughest obstacle.

I have to be loyal enough to myself in order to not break promises (Rachel Hollis, anyone??). I WILL run these 10 miles this weekend, and I WILL not stop. I have done harder things before this, and I will have harder things in the future. I will do this, and I will be satisfied when I am finished. This mindset can be applied in a variety of situations, whether that be in a different fitness setting, from a diet standpoint, or in a career or family aspect.

Win that battle with your mind, friends! I promise it's worth it!



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