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Let Me Tell You About My Trip to Target..

Y'all. The judging is unreal. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but I really wish people would mind their own.

Personally, I have been quarantined to my house for about a month now. My kids and I do NOT go anywhere. My husband goes to work when scheduled and does our grocery shopping about once every couple of weeks, when it is necessary, and that is it.

Well, yesterday was a different scenario because I had a doctor appointment that could not be rescheduled. My kids have been going crazy in the house, and knowing that Easter is on Sunday, I wanted to be able to do something nice for them. With the chaos and fear in the world currently, I haven't been able to get them anything for the upcoming holiday. So, after my doctor's appointment, I went to Target and splurged on my children for the first time in over a month. Don't get me wrong, I did grab some essential items we needed that we had been unable to find at our local Food Lion from the past few grocery runs, but I also walked to the Easter section of Target and grabbed some empty eggs, candy, and a couple of toys for each baby. When walking along-side some of the other customers, we all giggled and joked over having to get some things for Easter - while also maintaining a respectable distance from each other. There were other customers doing the same as me. We were not browsing around the isles, we were getting what we needed, and going to check out. It was totally fine.

However, when I went to check out, the lady who WORKED the register was extremely rude. She wouldn't even look at me.. As I walked up to the register, I said, "Hey! How are you today?" And nothing. She rung up my items, bagged them, huffed and puffed behind her mask, didn't even talk to tell me my total when she was all done, and when the receipt printed, she looked away as she dropped it in front of me. I wish I could say that she just wasn't talking because she was trying to be safe and keep her distance, but she yelled across the store at other employees a couple of times to direct them on where to send customers for check out. She was being rude because she was hoping to make it known that I should not have come out for Easter items.

I have never had such a rude worker check me out at Target before, actually, any store. I absolutely understand that it is a dangerous time. But my two and three year old children have no understanding of what is going on in the world. And right now, they don't need to. They just need to be babies and have fun and stay young.

I can't stress this enough, just because you don't agree with someone else's actions - it does not give you the right to treat them like a lesser human being. You do not know what is going on in someone else's life. You should always try to be a light, especially during such trying times. Don't be like this Target employee. Do your best to stay safe (I know we all are), and treat others with kindness and love. We are all just trying to get by.



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