I did not intend on making a post about what our world is going through right now at 11:00 tonight, but as I read my devotional tonight, I couldn’t help but think that I need to do more. I need to share more. I need to be more for Christ. I am by NO means a perfect Christian (spoiler alert-- there are none!!) we all have room for improvement, but that doesn’t mean I cannot be a witness. God has used some of the most unlikely people for some of his most extraordinary work. So here goes!! Here are some thoughts I had while taking note of specific verses in my devotional tonight.
My devotion was ON POINT tonight. These were all from the same devotion on the YouVersion app. These are trying times for our nation & world. I’m not saying these are the “last days” but I do believe 1000000% that they are real and they will come. No one knows when.
I do think God is shaking us, saying “HELLO, you’ve forgotten about me”. Because we have. There are things that we can all do better. We need to return to God with our whole hearts. We need to be aware of the GREAT things God is still doing for us right now. We need not be afraid because brighter days are ahead {especially for those who have made the decision to trust in the Lord}. He takes care of the birds, how much more will he take care of us. ❤️ May we find peace in that. The one who is in us (Jesus) is greater than the things of this world.
If anyone would like to talk to me about accepting Jesus as your savior, I would be more than happy to talk with you.
I am praying tonight. For peace. For salvation for those who do not know or trust in the Lord. I am praying and thanking our God for providing the many blessings we have (even in this time of crisis). I am asking God for forgiveness where I’ve failed him, and I’m asking him to keep working on me. God, let me be who you need. ❤️