Today I want to pray for patience for parents. Some were already stay-at-home parents, working on juggling the many aspects of being a full-time maid, care-giver, chef, etc. Some parents are newly working from home and are learning to balance their everyday choas with the normalcy of their previously schedule maintained work day. And my heart really goes out to the single parents, who are quarentined from their families and support groups and are struggling to control their mental health along side of giving their children the best care that they need. On top of these things, a lot of children are sent home with school work and all of these different parents have suddenly become teachers and are learning on the spot how to provide that kind of engagement with their child that they may not have had to before.
Heavenly Father, I pray for the parents around the world who are struggling to adjust to this new way of life that they have been given. I pray that you give them the patience they need and guidance on how to lead their households during their time in quarentine and also beyond the stay-at-home orders. Lord, I know we have all been given an added amount of responsibility during this time and I ask you to give us the tools and information we need to be the best teachers to our children, and I pray that your abundance of love is shown through us and can be seen by our babies every day. Thank you for always being our support and thank you, Lord, for protecting our families throughout this time. In Jesus' name, Amen.